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Writing Samples

AS I REFLECT ON my 30-plus years as a nurse, I realize that nursing has influenced every part of my life. Even at an early age, I wanted to help others and work in a profession that was versatile, unpredictable, and full of diverse challenges. Nursing fulfilled those desires. It wasn't just a profession, but a life calling...


More than a Profession

October 2014

The First Library


The big old house could not be missed. It stood tall where Hilt and Grant streets met.  Devin’s friend Kelan used it to teach him the route from home and school.

“This is the home of Mrs. Rickety Rack,” his new friend Kelan told him a few weeks after his family to this new town. What a strange name, he thought! More so when he caught sight of the old lady who was given that name.

Devin wished that his mom had not moved them so far from his few friends. It was not easy for him to make friends and in his short seven years of life he had only three pals he could call friends. These they had left back home when they moved here. He tried hard not to cry as he thought of how sad he felt and how much he missed his friends...…..

Endangered Species, The Young Black Gentleman


My son,

My young black gentleman

Is on the list of endangered species

If not in reality

In the minds of a society

That claims to believe in the ideal

Of the right of every citizen

And the pursuit of happiness …...

My Hiding Place

I sit curled in the natural armchair

Hugged by curving branches

Hidden by dark green leaves

Shading me from the heat of the blazing sun

Comforted by a gently rustling breeze

Gently swaying the ripening mangoes

Only an arm’s length away...…...

My Mother, My Heroine


As I grow and mature, hopefully growing in wisdom, I learn to appreciate and give thanks for my parents and the heritage they gave me. As a result I have understood that any material wealth left behind is of little value compared to the memorable, intrinsic care and teaching born of a deep love demonstrated in so many ways....

Not An Echo


A child you are

A child of two

Made up of genes centuries old

In some ways an echo of the past

 Sometimes a copy of the present

Life demands that you decide

To be an echo or a voice


A shadow of one who went before

Who made choices wise and clear

Who made mistakes deep and dear

You are called to decide

To be an echo or a voice....

The Miracle Journey


Psa. 62: " My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from Him." KJV


"Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him." NIV


What is a miracle?

The Oxford Dictionary defines it as, "an extraordinary event attributed to some supernatural agency; any remarkable occurrence; a remarkable development in some specified area (an economic miracle); a remarkable specimen (a miracle of ingenuity).

Norman V. Peale describes a miracle as, 'some great and wonderful quality that can be brought to pass.'

As I pondered the above and read through Mr. Peale's booklet on miracles, Expect Miracles, Make Miracles Happen, I found myself looking more closely at this principle and thinking of you my dears as you travel this passage called life. So today I am sharing this with you in the hope that it will help guide and encourage you today and onwards...

This is just a sample.  To read more on my blog, click here >>

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